An Uplifting Song A Day
Hi, I'm Dee and I'm trying to do my part to encourage and uplift others during this season of fear and uncertainty. Feel free to let me know how I'm doing. Contact me via social media links included or send me an email to upliftingsongaday@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
An Uplifting Song A Day
Bam! Ah Staying Home! (Original for COVID-19)
Season 1
Episode 22
Day 26 of A Song a Day (Keeps Coronavirus away)
Sorry for the extended absence folks. The week after Easter is always full of exhaustion for me. It's that way every year and I keep forgetting...every year.
Due to the downtime by COVID, I have been able to let the creative juices flow a bit. To that end, this episode is a snippet of a song I wrote today.
Verse 1 of my original creation for Calypso extempo challenge encouraging people to stay safe
I know COVID been here awhile
And she messing up we life
She get familiar like she our friend
Taking liberties now and then.
I tell ya
She doh make joke
She acting worse than stroke!
But even though I have The Great Hope
Bam! Ah staying home!
Lyrics: Diane (Divine) Stafford 2020
Music: Eclipse Productions 2020